Bring your school digital safeguarding policy to life with AI-Driven Threat Protection and custom Parental Controls
Digital safeguarding of children in and out of school is now just 90 seconds away for schools and parents.
The line between school and home technology has never been more blurred. SchoolsMobile appreciate that the key to ensuring children use technology in a safe and balanced way at all times is a joint effort between schools and parents.
What goes on out of school can adversely affect what happens in the school. Simple things like children not having enough sleep as they are spending too much time of their devices at home late at night or watching streamed video before school can have an adverse affect. Accessing age inappropriate content and apps can have a negative impact on children and the ripple effect within a class can cause even more concern.
We started our business to make it as simple for schools to translate their thoughts on the use of digital devices out of school into an application that parents can turn on in just 90 seconds.
We do all the heavy lifting for schools to make the task of protecting children as simple as it should be. It's too important to make it difficult to adopt!
Initial call or meeting to discuss requirements.
Agree the detail of the policies to include in the SchoolsMobile application.
Launch! All done within 3 days.
If you would like to find out more about our service and how we make it simple for schools and parents to work together then please fill in the form below or call us on 0333 242 3163.
They dont have to do
something wrong to get into trouble.
33% of kids have been exposed to something worrying or nasty online.
Oxfcom media use and attitudes report 2022
Too hard? Too Busy? Don't understand? Can't keep up!
Home Digital Safeguarding Dilemma. Answered.
In 90 seconds you could see results like this. A typical class's activity using our solution in just 30 days!
Children don't need to be doing anything wrong to get into trouble!
A staggering 82% of our active users either had content or approaches from businesses (likely ad trackers and analytics firms) associated with or representing porn/adult/explicit companies blocked.
54% of our active users had contact from disguised 3rd party trackers blocked.